Thank You!
You are subscribed to my 5 Day Menu Planning Challenge!
Please check your inbox for an email from me. (Email delivery times may vary, depending on your email provider.)
If you don’t see this in the next hour, please check your junk mail folder and add: to your email whitelist so you don’t miss any of my correspondence.
If you use Gmail…
Please follow these quick steps to make sure emails from me land directly in your primary inbox.
If our emails are ending up in your Gmail spam folder, simply click on the email and then click the button above labeled ‘Not Spam.’ This should add our email to your whitelist in Gmail.
Step 1
Log into Gmail and open the Promotions tab.
If you see an email from, click & drag it into the Primary tab.
Step 2
When prompted, click “yes” to have all emails from routed automatically to your Primary tab.
Step 3
If Gmail has marked emails you wish to read as spam:
In Gmail, navigate to the spam folder.
Search for emails containing the domain
Select all the emails shown.
Click More and then Not spam.
If you use Hotmail…
Check the Junk folder: if email from a sender you want to whitelist is in this folder, click Show Content to view the body of the email, then click Mark as Safe. The Sender will now be added to your list of Safe senders. Alternately, you can manually add to your Safe List by clicking Options in the upper right corner of your Hotmail screen, then in the body of the page under Junk e-mail click the link Safe and blocked senders. From there, click the link Safe senders and enter the email address you want to whitelist, then click Add to list.
If you use Yahoo mail…
Check your Yahoo! Bulk folder. If you see email from someone you want to add to your whitelist, highlight it and click Not Spam.
If you have any issues at all, please don’t hesitate to contact me at and I'll take care of you. I’m always here to support you!
Emma McAtasney