December 31

Homemade Hash Browns

I've been trying to get more spuds into my diet lately. Why? Because they can help you lose weight.

Every time I hear someone say that potatoes are unhealthy or “fattening” I can’t help but cringe. Contrary to what the carb police promote, potatoes are actually an incredible source of nutrition, loaded with phytonutrients, antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin B6, manganese, tryptophan, iron and potassium, and rich in resistant starch!

Resistant starch is only partially digested yet are more filling than simple starches like sugar (which are completely digested), so you end up with lower blood sugar levels, fewer insulin spikes, and a better ability to burn fat after a resistant starch–rich meal. Roasted and cooled potatoes have the most resistant starch. Just don't cover them with tonnes of butter or cheese!

Every time we eat out for breakfast I get hash browns. I love them! So I thought it was about time I tried making them myself. The smell of the potatoes cooking brought back memories of my auntie Olive cooking for me when I was a child. She used to fry sliced potatoes and called them "french fries". It's amazing how a scent can bring back memories in an instant!


  • 3-4 small organic potatoes, unpeeled and scrubbed.
  • 1 small onion, finely diced
  • 1 organic egg
  • salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste
  • 1-2 tbsp coconut oil

How To:

  1. Coarsely grate the potatoes into a sieve or cheesecloth. Try to squeeze out as much liquid as possible. It is important to make sure your mix is as dry as possible!
  2. Place the diced onions and grated potatoes in a large bowl. Add the egg, a good couple of pinches of salt and freshly ground black pepper. Mix the ingredients well.
  3. Heat the oil in a large frying pan, it should cover the base and when the oil is hot (but not smoking), add spoonfuls of the potato mixture into the pan and flatten into patties about 1cm thick at most. Flip over once browned and crispy - about 3-4 minutes each side.
  4. Transfer to a plate with some kitchen roll on top, place into oven to keep warm while you cook the remaining hash browns.
  5. Serve hot with grilled bacon and cherry tomatoes. Or baked beans for even more resistant starch!


  • Choose organic potatoes. They absorb directly from the soil all around them, both nutrients and the pesticides etc.
  • Potato skins are rich in fibre and nutrients, so you definitely want to leave the peels on. Does doing so not only boosts nutrition, it saves time
  • The only way to get a nice crispy crust on your hash browns and to keep them from absorbing too much oil is to make sure your potatoes are very dry and the oil super hot before adding mix to the pan.

Let me know how this turns out for you! Tag me on Instagram, @PilatesBarreDlk

Emma x

Homemade Potato Hash Browns Recipe

Meet Emma

Hi, I am Emma McAtasney, a NCEHS Personal Trainer since 2009. I earned my Pilates credentials through BASI Pilates, a highly respected college-level Pilates teacher training programme which aim is to create and maintain professional standards for the teaching of the Pilates Method to the highest calibre.

In addition, I am a prenatal and postnatal exercise specialist, nutritionist and founder of a boutique Pilates studio in Dundalk, Ireland.

I help my clients eat healthier, ditch fad diets and lose weight for good by guiding them to make small manageable changes that long term have a huge impact on their quality of life!

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